The sweet smell of cedar wafts through the house as the colorful twinkling lights adorn the simple Christmas tree. The stockings are hung by the chimney with care and the house gives evidence of the season of Christmas with carefully wrapped presents, festive decorations, and a bright cackling fire burning in the fireplace. It is Christmas morn and everyone is feeling merry! Right?
Wrong!!! It's 6:30 in the morning and Sylvia has been up since 1:30a.m. We struggled to keep her awake yesterday evening and finally gave in at 7:30 p.m. and put her to bed. And as if on cue, as soon as we left the room, Sylvia was bright eyed and bushytailed and not very happy about being in bed. After several rounds of pulling off the covers, taking off the clothes, yelling and crying, I finally got her up and put her in her wheelchair at 9:00 p.m. I left her in her room because, I'll admit, I was aggravated! At some point, Rich went and sat with his mom and around 11:00p.m. when everything was strangely quiet, I peeked in Sylvia's room and Rich was asleep in a chair by his mom, holding her hand, and Sylvia still had her eyes opened but was caught between awake and asleep. I put her to bed and she went to sleep immediately.....until 1:30 a.m. I toileted her at that time and put her back in bed hoping she would go back to sleep. And that's when the covers on/covers off dance began again! It is also when the clothes off/clothes on dance began....again! It is also when the crying, yelling, and hollering began.....again! I was determined not to get her out of bed but finally gave in at 6:30 a.m. when it was evident that she was NOT going to go to sleep. AND....I am in a cheerful, festive Christmas spirit.....NOT! It is Christmas morning and there is not one evidence in our house to show that we are celebrating Christmas. There are no decorations, no Christmas tree, not one present, and no bright cackling fire burning in the fireplace. There's no family at the house and no one expected. It doesn't feel like Christmas at all and I am NOT happy! I was OK not putting up a Christmas tree this year. To be honest, I couldn't fathom adding another big item in the house since we have added two geriatric recliners, two wheelchairs, a shower chair, potty chair, hospital bed, etc. With all this equipment taking up space, it was difficult to think about adding another item. So I opted out of the Christmas tree. And I didn't feel like searching in the attic for our Nativity set to display in the house. Rich and I cannot go anywhere together, and to be honest, between caring for Sylvia and Richard, Sr., we just haven't been able to go Christmas shopping or anything else. Sometimes, I think we're too wore out by the end of the day to do anything but chill. And still, I was OK with it all. It's just our season of life. ......UNTIL this morning! There is something about being sleep deprived when it is not your choice that brings on the crankiness. And so, it's 6:30 in the morning and Sylvia is crying, she is fighting me, she needs a bath, she's hungry, and I'm cranky! So when I'm cranky, I just don't talk to her. She's carrying on and I'm quiet. I want to cry but it's best to just be quiet and do what I have to do. And inside, I am one giant BAH HUMBUG!!! And happened.
All of sudden, Sylvia stops hollering and crying and starts singing, "Silent Night, Holy Night, All is calm....." that's all she can sing. It's all she can put together in her jumbled, confused mind. Then she starts over, "Silent Night, Holy Night." She doesn't know it's Christmas. How can she? We haven't told her, not that she would understand or remember. I haven't played one Christmas carol in the house this year. But there it was. My Christmas hug from God. Oh how much God must love me to remind me this day is not about a tree or decorations or presents or how cranky I am. It's about remembering a Silent Night over 2,000 years ago that God sent His only Son, Jesus Christ, a Holy infant so tender and mild, to be born into this old sinful world to make a way for me (and you!) to have eternal life in Heaven.
Luke 2:11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David, a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.
John 1:14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Thank you God for showing me your love today on this Christmas morn, December 25, 2013. Thank you God for using Sylvia to do it. Thank you for the opportunity You gave me to celebrate Christmas with Rich's parents in a simple and quiet way. But most of all, thank you God for the GIFT of your Son, Jesus! The Christ in CHRISTmas.
Merry Christmas family and friends. God loves you!
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
20 Years In Heaven
Dear Steve,
December 18, 1993 --20 years ago today since you went to Heaven, Stephen Lee Douglas! 20 years you have had to be next to Jesus, to walk on streets of gold, to praise and worship our Lord and Saviour in a way that we cannot here on earth. 20 years of forever. Are you having fun?
So much has happened in the 20 years since you've been gone. The kids are all grown now and have lives of their own. Half of them are married. That half has made you a grandpa and a great-grandpa! Can you believe it?! Can you look down from Heaven and see them all? Can you see Jamie and "Flipper"? They just celebrated 19 years of marriage and have three children, Kole, Kylee, and Kaden. I can see you giving Kole a hard time being a teenager and all and having that awkward Bieber phase. Kylee inherited her mother's aptitude for sports but thankfully makes a beautiful ballerina. I know you would love tormenting her until she whispered a secret to you. Kaden would just make you laugh at how much he loves life and his funny sayings. He is a ball of energy! Skip is such a patient husband and father and such a perfect match for Jamie. Jamie still cries when she gets out of sorts but she's a great mom and wife and aspires to write books some day--all with "Suck It Up" in the title!!! And Jared...he's the preacher boy! I know you would be proud of your preaching marine! I am so glad you knew about Amy. I just wish you could have met her. She's a jewel, for sure. They've spent their whole 19 years of married life serving the Lord in full time ministry. They have two precious girls, Jayden and Allie. Oh the fun you would have playing with these children! Jayden has no fear, and acts like her daddy who acts like his daddy! And Allie is just the cutest 3 year old ever! And Jana. She's one tough cookie, that one! She's worked hard at life and worked hard to be a successful business woman. She's known love and known the heartbreak of losing love to death. Her loss is still fresh so she doesn't understand it all but she has shown grace in the shadow of grief. She makes us all stand a little taller. Little Lukas, who was just a wee baby when you left us, is all grown up and now a father himself to a little boy of his own, Anthony. Can you imagine Jana as a grandma? Not a title she's ready to wear but she makes a great Mimi. Jana also gave us Riley. What a cutie she is. She is just as athletic as her mother and has such a sweet spirit! You would love her! And then there's Matthew. He was just 7 when he had to say goodbye to you. He looks like you, acts like you, writes like you and has the same hairline as you. There's never a dull moment when he's around. He's a lover of life and a (dangerous) thrill seeker. He's a great mechanic and a teddy bear at heart. He is your "mini me". Justin is a sweetheart of a guy. He inherited your romantic nature and your giving spirit. He loves family, cooking, friends, and being a protective watchdog over his little sister. He's head over heels in love right now but only time will tell if she is "THE ONE". If she is, she is a sweetie! And last, but not least, is baby Kimberlee. Only she's not a baby anymore. She grew up and learned to talk and make decisions on her own. She is a beautiful but stubborn soul and doesn't like her brothers to watch over her. She loves children and is an excellent school teacher. She inherited your eyes, your sense of humor, and your "suck it up" philosophy of life. She really stepped up to the plate in caring for and loving sweet Gankie in the last days of her life. You would have been proud! BUT the most important thing that all these children and grandchildren share with you is their gift of eternal life. They have all (except for little Allie and baby Anthony), accepted Christ in their heart. Can you look down from Heaven and see all that you started in these children. Can you see all that WE started? I wonder what 20 years from now will hold? Sometimes, I just wish you could be here for a day......
There's been alot of additions to Heaven over these last 20 years. Do you know when people close to us join you up there? Like Mark, Dwight, Preacher, Hank, Debby, and Pami? Do you know all the precious angel babies from our family? Do you know people you didn't know here on earth that are special to us like Jana's Gary? Do you know Warren, the man who received your heart when you died. 5 and a half years you gave him so he could make his life right with God and find happiness in marriage. And finally, where you there waiting with Jesus when Pops and Gankie made their way to Heaven? That's a reunion I would have loved to see!
20 years! It makes me go, Hmmmm. Time has a funny way of blurring the lines of perception. It doesn't seem possible that you've been gone for 20 years and yet I look at our children (and in the mirror) and I see that indeed there has been some space since we said goodbye. But it also makes me think of all the many blessings that God has added to my life in 20 years. They are too many to list here but God has shown Himself to be a faithful father to the fatherless and a faithful husband maker to the widow. God was there in the midst when you died and He kept His promise to never leave nor forsake us. He has added blessings to our family and sustained us physically, spiritually, and mentally. Speaking of added blessings, God has taken care of your girl! 8 years ago He brought a great man to watch over me. Richard is a kind soul, a patient husband, and a man who loves God. He keeps me straight and loves me unconditionally and with purpose. I am sure you would approve.
Well, I'm gonna go now. We miss you here on earth, Stephen Lee Douglas. But today, I'm gonna remember you with a smile on my face because that was just what you did--make me smile. Tell Jesus I said "hey"!
December 18, 1993 --20 years ago today since you went to Heaven, Stephen Lee Douglas! 20 years you have had to be next to Jesus, to walk on streets of gold, to praise and worship our Lord and Saviour in a way that we cannot here on earth. 20 years of forever. Are you having fun?
So much has happened in the 20 years since you've been gone. The kids are all grown now and have lives of their own. Half of them are married. That half has made you a grandpa and a great-grandpa! Can you believe it?! Can you look down from Heaven and see them all? Can you see Jamie and "Flipper"? They just celebrated 19 years of marriage and have three children, Kole, Kylee, and Kaden. I can see you giving Kole a hard time being a teenager and all and having that awkward Bieber phase. Kylee inherited her mother's aptitude for sports but thankfully makes a beautiful ballerina. I know you would love tormenting her until she whispered a secret to you. Kaden would just make you laugh at how much he loves life and his funny sayings. He is a ball of energy! Skip is such a patient husband and father and such a perfect match for Jamie. Jamie still cries when she gets out of sorts but she's a great mom and wife and aspires to write books some day--all with "Suck It Up" in the title!!! And Jared...he's the preacher boy! I know you would be proud of your preaching marine! I am so glad you knew about Amy. I just wish you could have met her. She's a jewel, for sure. They've spent their whole 19 years of married life serving the Lord in full time ministry. They have two precious girls, Jayden and Allie. Oh the fun you would have playing with these children! Jayden has no fear, and acts like her daddy who acts like his daddy! And Allie is just the cutest 3 year old ever! And Jana. She's one tough cookie, that one! She's worked hard at life and worked hard to be a successful business woman. She's known love and known the heartbreak of losing love to death. Her loss is still fresh so she doesn't understand it all but she has shown grace in the shadow of grief. She makes us all stand a little taller. Little Lukas, who was just a wee baby when you left us, is all grown up and now a father himself to a little boy of his own, Anthony. Can you imagine Jana as a grandma? Not a title she's ready to wear but she makes a great Mimi. Jana also gave us Riley. What a cutie she is. She is just as athletic as her mother and has such a sweet spirit! You would love her! And then there's Matthew. He was just 7 when he had to say goodbye to you. He looks like you, acts like you, writes like you and has the same hairline as you. There's never a dull moment when he's around. He's a lover of life and a (dangerous) thrill seeker. He's a great mechanic and a teddy bear at heart. He is your "mini me". Justin is a sweetheart of a guy. He inherited your romantic nature and your giving spirit. He loves family, cooking, friends, and being a protective watchdog over his little sister. He's head over heels in love right now but only time will tell if she is "THE ONE". If she is, she is a sweetie! And last, but not least, is baby Kimberlee. Only she's not a baby anymore. She grew up and learned to talk and make decisions on her own. She is a beautiful but stubborn soul and doesn't like her brothers to watch over her. She loves children and is an excellent school teacher. She inherited your eyes, your sense of humor, and your "suck it up" philosophy of life. She really stepped up to the plate in caring for and loving sweet Gankie in the last days of her life. You would have been proud! BUT the most important thing that all these children and grandchildren share with you is their gift of eternal life. They have all (except for little Allie and baby Anthony), accepted Christ in their heart. Can you look down from Heaven and see all that you started in these children. Can you see all that WE started? I wonder what 20 years from now will hold? Sometimes, I just wish you could be here for a day......
There's been alot of additions to Heaven over these last 20 years. Do you know when people close to us join you up there? Like Mark, Dwight, Preacher, Hank, Debby, and Pami? Do you know all the precious angel babies from our family? Do you know people you didn't know here on earth that are special to us like Jana's Gary? Do you know Warren, the man who received your heart when you died. 5 and a half years you gave him so he could make his life right with God and find happiness in marriage. And finally, where you there waiting with Jesus when Pops and Gankie made their way to Heaven? That's a reunion I would have loved to see!
20 years! It makes me go, Hmmmm. Time has a funny way of blurring the lines of perception. It doesn't seem possible that you've been gone for 20 years and yet I look at our children (and in the mirror) and I see that indeed there has been some space since we said goodbye. But it also makes me think of all the many blessings that God has added to my life in 20 years. They are too many to list here but God has shown Himself to be a faithful father to the fatherless and a faithful husband maker to the widow. God was there in the midst when you died and He kept His promise to never leave nor forsake us. He has added blessings to our family and sustained us physically, spiritually, and mentally. Speaking of added blessings, God has taken care of your girl! 8 years ago He brought a great man to watch over me. Richard is a kind soul, a patient husband, and a man who loves God. He keeps me straight and loves me unconditionally and with purpose. I am sure you would approve.
Well, I'm gonna go now. We miss you here on earth, Stephen Lee Douglas. But today, I'm gonna remember you with a smile on my face because that was just what you did--make me smile. Tell Jesus I said "hey"!
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
No Tomorrows
Its up to me to share with you the news I have today.
That Jesus died to save my soul and He washed my sins away.
For all have sinned the Bible says, and the road to hell is broad.
But these are written that ye might believe that Jesus is the Son of God.
The Perfect One, the King of kings, loves you and me the same.
There's nothing we can ever do for heaven's prize to claim.
Just trust in Jesus with all your heart and He'll make a place for you.
There's room for all and your friends, and all your family too.
When my breath has ceased in life and this earthly place I leave,
Tis heaven where I'll make my home for all eternity.
Please don't wait; do not delay; It can cause you many sorrows.
Ask Jesus into your heart right now for you may not have.........
--Lori Anderson, 33 years Redeemed
John 20:31 - But these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name.
Acts 16:31 - And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.
That Jesus died to save my soul and He washed my sins away.
For all have sinned the Bible says, and the road to hell is broad.
But these are written that ye might believe that Jesus is the Son of God.
The Perfect One, the King of kings, loves you and me the same.
There's nothing we can ever do for heaven's prize to claim.
Just trust in Jesus with all your heart and He'll make a place for you.
There's room for all and your friends, and all your family too.
When my breath has ceased in life and this earthly place I leave,
Tis heaven where I'll make my home for all eternity.
Please don't wait; do not delay; It can cause you many sorrows.
Ask Jesus into your heart right now for you may not have.........
--Lori Anderson, 33 years Redeemed
John 20:31 - But these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name.
Acts 16:31 - And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Ask and Ye Shall Receive - Questions Every Girl Should Ask
We seem to be surrounded lately by a sea of blooming love and are enjoying (mostly) watching young couples grow in their love for each other and plan for upcoming wedding nuptials. It brings to mind my own dating season with Rich and the way we got to know each other. We spent the first months getting to know each other through writing only. As a widow with children at home, I wanted to make sure that I could find out everything I could about Richard so that I could enter into a courtship with him with my eyes wide open. I thought I would share with you SOME of the questions I asked him before we ever met in person and some I asked him afterwards. This is only a partial list but it is quite extensive. Some questions were meant to be lighthearted and funny to pave the way for serious ones. Whether you agree or not, I believe you should also ask the embarrassing questions so you are as informed as you need to be. I pray God uses this to be a help and open the door for conversations between courting couples, parents and children, and even married couples who have lost the enjoyment of conversation. And may it stir within you a desire to stick to your standards, raise your standards, and most of all seek God's best for you in a mate.
Please do not try to ask and answer all these questions in one night, as one of my friends tried to do. :)
If you were to die today, do you know 100% that you are going to heaven?
Tell me how you know that.
What kind of church do you attend?
Are you actively involved in your church?
Is your brother married and do you have nieces and nephews to spoil?
Instead of making engagement the finish line of courtship, our goal should be to treat each other in a godly manner, make the right choice about marriage, and have a clear conscience about our actions.
Let me close this long post by saying....As you get to know each other, do not get the cart before the horse but make sure you really get to know each other and do not blur the lines of friendship with passion without commitment. Be careful to not stir or arouse feelings that cannot be righteously fulfilled. You are special to God and deserve His best.
Please do not try to ask and answer all these questions in one night, as one of my friends tried to do. :)
If you were to die today, do you know 100% that you are going to heaven?
Tell me how you know that.
What kind of church do you attend?
Are you actively involved in your church?
How big is your church?
Do they preach in Creek or other
tribal tongues?
Are you involved in other tribal
How do you feel about your
pastor? Do you respect him?
Why have you stayed single all
this time?
What is your favorite verse in
the Bible and why?
What version of the Bible do you
How often do you lose your
How important is it to you that your partner be accepted by your family and friends?
How trusting are you?
How do you feel about premarital sex?
How often do you find yourself laughing?
When in a relationship, how much personal space do you generally find you need?
What best describes your parents' relationship towards each other?
What best describes your attitude toward work?
How organized are you?
Financially, how would you characterize yourself?
Describe an interest you have that you would truly hope your partner could share with you.
If you could accomplish only one thing during the rest of your life, what would it be?
Describe your spirituality.
What are you looking for in a relationship partner?
How important is it to you that your partner be accepted by your family and friends?
How trusting are you?
How do you feel about premarital sex?
How often do you find yourself laughing?
When in a relationship, how much personal space do you generally find you need?
What best describes your parents' relationship towards each other?
What best describes your attitude toward work?
How organized are you?
Financially, how would you characterize yourself?
Describe an interest you have that you would truly hope your partner could share with you.
If you could accomplish only one thing during the rest of your life, what would it be?
Describe your spirituality.
What are you looking for in a relationship partner?
How long was your last
relationship and what caused it to end?
What are you looking for in a
Do you have children?
Do you want more children?
Are you a registered Republican, Democrat
or other and did you vote in the last election?
Have you guarded your purity in your singleness?
How do you feel about bi-racial marriages
and bi-racial children?
How do you feel about drinking? Socially or otherwise?
As a single man with the internet at home, are you tempted to look
at pornography?
Would you say that any type of pornography is in your life, be it
the internet, magazines, books you read, or movies you view?
Do you go to movie theatres?
What is your limit regarding viewing movies: G, PG, PG-13, R
or otherwise?
Have you ever been arrested?
Do you smoke or use other types
of tobacco products?
me about your job, what you do and do you enjoy it.
Does your pastor know you are looking for a mate?
Do you have close guy friends?
Who do you usually hang out with on a "hang out
What do you and your friends usually like to do for fun?
What is your favorite restaurant?
Have you lived in OKC all your life?
Are your parents alive and do you have a good relationship with
Is your church is liberal or
conservative in their music?
Do you use a hymnbook?
Does your preacher prescribe to one version of the Bible when he
Do you laugh often?
How many siblings do
you have? Are you close with all of them?
Do you enjoy cards, boardgames, etc?
How often do you see your
Are you a dutiful son or a devoted son?
Are you faithful to church for Sunday School and Morning
Does your church have mid-week services and do you attend?
Are you a faithful tither and giver to missions?
What kind of car do you drive?
What kind of car do you want to drive?
Do you like spicy foods?
How is your health? Do you have any ailments or take
Do you own your own home?
As a drafter, is your penmanship neat?
Do you cook real food or eat out of a box?
Star Trek or Star Wars?
Sitcoms or Drama?
Far-sighted, Near-sighted, or Astigmatism?
How often do you pray?
What do you pray for?
How open do you feel you can be with your partner in communicating
your wants, desires, or even just discussing everyday life?
Are you lonely?
Or have you been content being single?
Are your parents in good
Do your parents and your brother
know Christ as their personal Saviour? Do they attend church with you?
OU or OSU?
Do you see yourself as being able to spiritually lead a family?
(Or at least willing)
Do you see yourself as being able to read the Bible and pray with
your wife?
Pepsi or Coke?
Would you be willing to attend a marriage seminar (i.e., Family
Life Today) before or after you marry?
Taco Bueno or Taco Bell? (this is an important question in
my family)
Did I ask, do you desire children?
My children aren't necessarily in need of a father at this
age. Is it going to hurt your feelings if they do not acknowledge you as
a father figure? (I'm not saying that can't happen).
Can you love someone else's children as if they were your own?
Tea? Sweet or Unsweet?
If the Lord leads, you would become stepdad to 6 kids and grandpa
to 7--does that scare you?
Do you think you would be jealous if I talked about my husband or
if my children talked about their father? (The 3 younger ones were so
small and have so few memories of him that I try to always tell them things
that he did.)
Toilet Paper - over or under?
And last but not least, are you willing to relocate to Tulsa (I'm
only kidding!)
What has God done for you this week that you
praised Him for?
If you could do one thing over in life, what would it be?
Do you eat breakfast?
Left or right side of the bed?
Do you feel more comfortable in a pair of jeans or a pair of
How long have you been at your current job and is this the type of
work you have done all your life?
You never said what the last book was that you read? (You do
read don't you?!

Do all your friends and family
call you Richard or do you have nicknames?
I fold my all my plastic wal-mart bags
and put them in a box to re-use? Do you think that is weird?
Do you squeeze the toothpaste from the bottom or in the middle?
Do you drink milk from the carton?
Are you an organized person?
Are you a neat freak?
Does dirt or dust bother you?
Do you have any allergies?
Are you a meat and potatoes person or will a salad be ok for
many women have you been with? (Of
course, his answer was none, so a lot of my follow-up questions were not
necessary but included….)
you had unprotected sex with women?
you ever been tested for Hep C? HIV? AIDS?
Or felt you should be tested?
there any baby momma’s out there?
you willing to be tested for HIV, HEP C, and AIDS?
you have good feet?
you give foot massages?
Tell me about your
mother - what kind of person is she.
What kind of wife and
mother has she been.
What is your favorite
memory of her.
Tell me about your
What kind of a husband
is he?
What makes you cry?
What makes you laugh?
Have you ever had a moment that took your breath away? What
was it and why?
What is your favorite color and why?
Do you like to cuddle or do you think you'd like to cuddle?
Does anything scare you?
Rate these in order of importance to you:
Job, wife, God, children, yourself, church, family, friends
Rate these in order of preference: (You don't
necessarily have to be familiar with them just your preference to type of food)
The Olive Garden
LoneStar Steakhouse
The Rib Crib Bar-B-Que
On The Border-Mexican
Ron's Hamburgers
Eggroll Express
McAlester's Deli
Do you have any prayer requests that I can pray with you about?
What are three things that you would like to do together?
What are three things that you would like to do together?
I've included an excerpt from Josh Harris on courtship. It
was the grow and guard statement that got my attention:.
I believe that in a God-glorifying,
wisdom-guided courtship we have two central priorities. The first is to treat
each other with holiness and sincerity; the second is to make an
informed and wise decision about marriage.
In courtship our goals should be to grow and guard. We want to grow closer so we can truly know each other's character, but we also want to guard each other's hearts because the outcome of our relationship is still unknown.
At the beginning of a courtship a man and woman don't know if they should get married. They need to get to know each other, observe each other's character, and find out how they relate as a couple. This is what it means to grow closer. But the fact that the future is unknown should also motivate them to treat each other with the kind of integrity that will allow them to look back on their courtship without regret, regardless of the outcome.
Second Corinthians 1:12 sums up what every Christian couple should be able to say at the end of a courtship:
In courtship our goals should be to grow and guard. We want to grow closer so we can truly know each other's character, but we also want to guard each other's hearts because the outcome of our relationship is still unknown.
At the beginning of a courtship a man and woman don't know if they should get married. They need to get to know each other, observe each other's character, and find out how they relate as a couple. This is what it means to grow closer. But the fact that the future is unknown should also motivate them to treat each other with the kind of integrity that will allow them to look back on their courtship without regret, regardless of the outcome.
Second Corinthians 1:12 sums up what every Christian couple should be able to say at the end of a courtship:
Now this is our boast: Our conscience testifies
that we have conducted ourselves in the world, and especially in our relations
with you, in the holiness and sincerity that are from God. We have done so not
according to worldly wisdom but according to God's grace.
Instead of making engagement the finish line of courtship, our goal should be to treat each other in a godly manner, make the right choice about marriage, and have a clear conscience about our actions.
Let me close this long post by saying....As you get to know each other, do not get the cart before the horse but make sure you really get to know each other and do not blur the lines of friendship with passion without commitment. Be careful to not stir or arouse feelings that cannot be righteously fulfilled. You are special to God and deserve His best.
Monday, August 26, 2013
Thanks Ruth! It was a perfect seat!
(Some names/churches have been changed to protect most of the guilty.)
"Save me a seat," I yelled at Ruth as she left to go get breakfast, "I'll be there in a few minutes." Ruth is a sweet lady from church and I've enjoyed getting to know her over the last couple of years. We were both attending a ladies retreat together and having a good time of fellowship and growing in the Lord. At bedtime the night before, I shared a devotion with our little ladies group on friendship, emphasizing the importance of having spiritual friends that would pray, strengthen, and encourage and the importance of being that same kind of friend to others. Little did I know........
Breakfast was still a few minutes away from being served and Ruth was waiting for me when I reached the cafeteria. She was saving the seat beside her especially for me. I sat down and started visiting with her when the lady on my right starting talking to me. She was an older lady and immediately asked me what church I was from. I told her Southwest Baptist Church. "Oh," she said, "I know the pastor, Dav, Davi, Davison, what's his name?" I told her our pastor used to be Sam Davison. "Oh yes, Sam Davison. And his wife, what's her name?" I told her Sandy. "Well my name is Sue, S-U-E. Sue Jacobs. S-U-E J-A-C-O-B-S. Would you please tell Bro. Sam I said hello. He will remember me. Well, my last name wasn't Jacobs then. It was Roberts. Tell Bro. Sam Sue Roberts said hello. S-U-E R-O-B-E-R-T-S. Of course, Sue is my middle name. He would probably know me more by my first name, Evelyn. E-V-E-L-Y-N. Tell him Evelyn Roberts said hello. And tell his sweet wife also. I used to be married to my first husband, Charles, until he passed away. Then I met Richard about 7 years ago and we got married. That's why my name is different now. They wouldn't know Richard but Charles and I used to go hear Bro. Sam preached and he preached several revivals at our church. I go to Bible Baptist Church and I play the piano. Well I used to play the piano for them. I play the piano for them on Wednesday nights and I play the piano over at First Baptist Church on Sundays. That Bible Baptist Church likes to play canned music so they're squeezing me out of playing. I used to play on Sundays for them but not anymore. They're not very friendly over at that church. But that First Baptist Church, they just act like they're always glad to see me. Do you ever feel that way? You can just walk into a church and you know right away if someone is glad to see you or not!"
And so it went.
Sue was quite the character. I honestly don't think I've ever met someone who could talk as much as Sue, S-U-E, Jacobs. She didn't even need to breathe. I think she was just circular breathing. At one point, I leaned to my friend, Ruth, and simply stated, "Thanks alot!" "You're welcome," she stated ever so innocently.
After what seemed like an eternity, we were allowed to get in line for breakfast. I stood and sweetly told Sue we needed to get in line. She kept talking and I kept taking a few steps in the other direction trying to politely leave the one-sided conversation. After I returned to our table, I tried to switch seats with Ruth. Let Ruth sit by Crazy, C-R-A-Z-Y, Sue. She's the one that saved the seat! Let me be very clear on this-- for a little woman, Ruth is very perceptive, agile, and strong. I'm pretty sure she pushed me. Yep! Now that I think back, she pushed me. As a matter of fact, I probably have a bruise because of it! I think I need a new friend. Wait a minute......S-U-E.........I better keep Ruth!
During breakfast, I really don't know how Sue ate anything. I tried introducing her to people across the table. She was quite friendly and cordial but she kept coming back to me. All I could do was nod my head like a bobble doll and utter a few "hmm" "ahmm" or however affirmations are written! By the time I was able to excuse myself from the table, I was weighed down with a boatload of prayer requests. Sue asked me to pray for her.....and pray for her husband, Richard, R-I-C-H-A-R-D (I can remember that,
Richard is my husband's name also) he has cancer and doesn't feel well
plus pray for the insurance that doesn't want to pay for his treatments.....he didn't go to church and wasn't always happy about how involved she wanted to be in church....and her bowel troubles with diverticulitis (I'll spare you the details. After all, I just ate breakfast!).......pray for her eyes, she has a eye appointment because her retina is detaching and she might not be able to see out of her eye.....pray for Bible Baptist Church that they would quit using canned music so she could play the piano....pray for her strength that she would be able to continue doing the things she wants to do.......
What do you do when someone, not to mention a virtual stranger, piles a bunch of prayer requests on you like that? I thought about my pastor's wife and wondered what she does as people walk by and she hugs them and they ask her to pray for....fill-in-the-blank. I thought about the times that even I have asked her to pray with me about.....fill-in-the-blank. I bet her prayer request book is H-U-G-E!!!
Several years ago, I went on a mission trip with a group of people that I
did not know. One lady, Ruby, was "sharing" with me about a woman in her
church that was a thorn in her flesh. She did not care one whit about
this gossiping, backbiting, and spiteful woman. In an attempt to help
her, I gently suggested that she pray for this woman. Her reply? "I
ain't got room in my prayer life to squeeze in this woman!!!" I laughed really hard when she said that but for the first time since that story was told, I could kind of understand what Ruby meant.
I have to admit (head hung), at that time, I never did agree to pray for Sue. That's something I take very seriously! If I agree to pray for Sue then I better mean it! I'm obligated before God. Right!?! Plus that was ALOT of prayer requests! I thought about the friend devotion the night before and was reminded (by Ruth aka Miss C-H-R-I-S-T-I-A-N) that I had been asking God to help me be a friend to someone who needs a friend. Again....thanks Ruth! The psalmist in Psalms 142:4b said No man cared for my soul. In Luke 5:17-20 the paralytic man had friends carry him to Jesus. Did Sue have any friends who cared? Did Sue have any friends to carry her cot of burdens to Jesus? Was God asking ME to be Sue's spiritual friend? Was I willing to be used of God to show His love to her? Was I willing to be Sue's friend EVEN IF our friendship was limited to a saved seat during breakfast?
In the end, all that really mattered was Sue asked for prayer. She had burdens that she needed someone to bear with her. I don't know that I'll ever see Sue, S-U-E, Jacobs again this side of Heaven. BUT since meeting her, I have made room to "squeezed her into my prayer life." Wouldn't it be wonderful if everyone reading this would take a moment to pray for Sue and her husband, Richard. Maybe today, she'll be encouraged in her walk with the Lord. I hope today you will be a friend to someone you love. I also hope today you will allow God to use you to be a friend to someone HE loves.
In the end, all that really mattered was Sue asked for prayer. She had burdens that she needed someone to bear with her. I don't know that I'll ever see Sue, S-U-E, Jacobs again this side of Heaven. BUT since meeting her, I have made room to "squeezed her into my prayer life." Wouldn't it be wonderful if everyone reading this would take a moment to pray for Sue and her husband, Richard. Maybe today, she'll be encouraged in her walk with the Lord. I hope today you will be a friend to someone you love. I also hope today you will allow God to use you to be a friend to someone HE loves.
John 15:13-14 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you.
Just want to say "thank you" Ruth for saving me a seat at breakfast. It was perfect place to sit! Give me call sometime, friend. I have a few prayer requests I'd like to share.
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